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Nikola in need of new source of money to continue its business

Media reports say that the manufacturer has got the money to survive no longer than one quarter in 2025. Nikola managed to sell something like 200 hydrogen fuel cell trucks in the first 3 quarters of the year. At the same time, the company has been facing trouble for quite a long time, with the need...


IVECO delivers two fuel cell trucks to BMW in Leipzig, Germany

The trucks boast a range of up to 800 km, a fast-refuelling time of under 20 minutes, and can accommodate 70 kg of compressed H2 at 700-bar pressure. Thanks to its high mileage and payload capacity, it is expected to be a real game changer in zero tailpipe emissions long-haulage missions. The trucks...

Milence inaugurates first electric truck charging hub in Italy

The opening of the hub in Italy is the thirteenth to be operational in the Milence network. There, the company confirmed its target to have 1,700 charging points in operation in Europe by 2027. Milence’s hubs are equipped with some of the highest power outputs available today, offering 400 kW throug...


Nikola in need of new source of money to continue its business

Media reports say that the manufacturer has got the money to survive no longer than one quarter in 2025. Nikola managed to sell something like 200 hydrogen fuel cell trucks in the first 3 quarters of the year. At the same time, the company has been facing trouble for quite a long time, with the need...

Walmart Canada to add Nikola hydrogen fuel cell truck to its fleet

Walmart Canada is the very first major retailer in Canada to introduce a hydrogen fuel cell electric semi-truck to its fleet. “We’re proud to be introducing Walmart Canada’s first hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle as a major milestone on our journey to becoming a regenerative company,” said Gonzal...
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