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IVECO delivers two fuel cell trucks to BMW in Leipzig, Germany

The trucks boast a range of up to 800 km, a fast-refuelling time of under 20 minutes, and can accommodate 70 kg of compressed H2 at 700-bar pressure. Thanks to its high mileage and payload capacity, it is expected to be a real game changer in zero tailpipe emissions long-haulage missions. The trucks...


fuel cell

ACT Expo 2024, Symbio to launch its very first hydrogen-powered truck

Symbio has designed, developed, and integrated a heavy-duty long-haul truck ready fuel cell powertrain, powered by Symbio’s fuel cell technology, into a Freightliner Cascadia class-8 tractor. The diesel engine has been replaced with Symbio’s 400 kW StackPack fuel cell system consisting of four packa...

[Video] HVS tests its hydrogen fuel cell truck with a semitrailer

HVS' second test vehicle, X2.0, was put through its paces on the test track, delivering the very first trailer pull. Powered by green hydrogen, according to the British hydrogen truck manufacturer, the X2.0 "didn’t disappoint with excellent performance on its very first test run on the high-speed tr...
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