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IVECO delivers two fuel cell trucks to BMW in Leipzig, Germany

The trucks boast a range of up to 800 km, a fast-refuelling time of under 20 minutes, and can accommodate 70 kg of compressed H2 at 700-bar pressure. Thanks to its high mileage and payload capacity, it is expected to be a real game changer in zero tailpipe emissions long-haulage missions. The trucks...

Milence inaugurates first electric truck charging hub in Italy

The opening of the hub in Italy is the thirteenth to be operational in the Milence network. There, the company confirmed its target to have 1,700 charging points in operation in Europe by 2027. Milence’s hubs are equipped with some of the highest power outputs available today, offering 400 kW throug...


IRU Green Compact 2050, a roadmap to carbon neutrality

IRU, the world road transport organization, has been promoting the so-called Green Compact 2050, a roadmap to be shared with international policy makers as well as business players aimed at effectively reduce CO2 emissions in commercial transport to net zero by 2050. On June 24, a digital event was ...

Volkswagen outlines roadmap for climate-neutral mobility by 2050

Volkswagen has a detailed plan for decarbonizing the company and its products, to be net carbon neutral by 2050 at the latest. As well as accelerating the transition to e-mobility, the production - including supply chain - and operation of electric cars is to be made net carbon neutral.