Together with some major local partners, Scania managed to put 64-ton electric truck on the roads in
Mälardalen region, Sweden. More into details, transport and machinery service company Foria, as well as recycling and environment company Rang-Sells made this possible. So, Scania has delivered the battery electric truck that can handle loads up to 64 tonnes. Foria is responsible for the truck operations, where it will transport fly ashes from the Mälardalen region’s thermal power station to be recycled at Ragn-Sells new Ash2Salt-facility at Högbytorp, northwest of Stockholm.

Scania 64-ton electric truck on the roads

The battery electric truck already operates on the roads to transport fly ashes from the thermal power station in Mälardalen to Högbytorp for storage until the new facility is up and running. Today, there are several solutions for electrified transport, but most of them are for shorter distances and with not as heavy trucks.

Once the new facility has opened, the electric truck will work in two shifts to decrease the amount of transports that operate on fossil fuel. To avoid unnecessary and costly stops, the truck will be fast charged when loading and un-loading. At Ragn-Sells facility at Högbytorp, the tech company ABB has delivered two highly efficient chargers with a capacity of 160 kW.

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“Our new electric truck will be a part of a transport solution that enables a circular system. Now Foria is able to transport fly ashes from the thermal power station in Mälardalen to Ragn-Sells’ new facilities where valuable salts can be recycled and reused, without emissions from the truck,” commented Fredrik Allard, Head of Power Solutions at Scania.


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