Mercedes-Benz Trucks has recenntly tested two eActros 600 electric tractors in ice cold Northern Europe. As you may know, eActros 600 electric trucks started production not long ago, with the first customers already taking deliveries, not only in Germany. Now, the manufacturer is looking for new and valuable data about truck performance, charging, and range under challenging conditions.

The eActros 600 in ice cold environments

“Not only are we interested in how the energy consumption of the eActros 600 behaves in different winter operations, but above all our customers and drivers. We are very satisfied with the findings of the tour. They show us that the eActros 600 can also be very efficient and comfortable on the road in European winter”, said Christof Weber, Head of Global Testing Mercedes-Benz Trucks.

The 16-day tour set off northwards in mid-January from Wörth am Rhein. The route first went through Germany, Denmark, Sweden, and Finland to the Arctic Circle. It then went back to Stuttgart and Wörth via Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Austria. On their journey through ten countries in Northern Europe, the electric trucks were sometimes on the road at extreme temperatures between -18 and 9 degrees Celsius.


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