Along with five more primary players, MAN Truck & Bus has joined the NEFTON research project, funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection and aimed at analyzing the system consisting of a fully electric truck, charging station and grid connection and design it for various applications in long-distance transport.

MAN joining the NEFTON research project in Germany

The central goal of the NEFTON project is the demonstration of the Megawatt Charging System (MCS) in the MAN eTruck. Now the project has been extended: to a charging power in the range of 3 megawatts. This is intended to test the newly specified MCS charging standard at an early stage. The project is shared with AVL, a suppplier of drive systems, PEA, an expert in power electronics, the Technical University of Deggendorf, the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft e.V. (FfE). The Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection is funding the project, which started in 2021.

The entire impact chain of the megawatt charging system will be examined for feasibility, economic efficiency and sustainability, starting with the requirements definition of commercial vehicle operators, resulting electric vehicle concepts and (fast) charging infrastructure concepts. In line with this, a highly
efficient charging station in the megawatt range is being developed, which also allows bidirectional charging for a possible integration of the truck as a storage unit into the power grid.

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“In order to be able to map the increasing mileage in freight transport and at the same time realise the planned reduction in emissions in transport, we at MAN Truck & Bus are clearly focusing on battery-electric drive. NEFTON is taking us significant steps forward on the way to the megawatt charging infrastructure and maximum charging power required for this,” commented Frederik Zohm, Executive Board Member for Research and Development at MAN.


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