Germany has stopped subsidizing electric trucks and buses. Such a decision follows a similar one concerning electric cars, taken not long ago. Of course, it is not good news for truck and bus manufacturers, who relied on public fundings in order to boost e-vehicle sales in Germany. Indeed, the Government used to subsidize the purchase of heavy-duty vehicles with alternative drives so to cover about 80 percent of the price difference compared to a diesel vehicle.

No funds for new electric trucks in Germany

The website Electrive now reports the words of a spokesperson for the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV), who said: “The approved projects in the guideline will be fully financed based on the 2024 budget. There are no funds available for a new call for funding“.

“Around 1.8 billion euros are available. These investments are necessary to create the conditions for the ramp-up of climate-friendly vehicles. The major projects include the Deutschlandnetz (the German charging network, ed), which will ensure a minimum of EV charging stations in certain regions and along motorways, and the development of an initial charging network for electric trucks”, she continued in the interview published by Electrive.


IVECO delivers two fuel cell trucks to BMW in Leipzig, Germany

The trucks boast a range of up to 800 km, a fast-refuelling time of under 20 minutes, and can accommodate 70 kg of compressed H2 at 700-bar pressure. Thanks to its high mileage and payload capacity, it is expected to be a real game changer in zero tailpipe emissions long-haulage missions. The trucks...

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