With an online event held on June 9, DAF has introduced its New Generation XF, XG and XG+ trucks, which will start production in October 2021. Accompanied by the motto ‘Start the Future’, the brand-new line of trucks comes nearly 25 years after the launch of the very first generation, back in 1997.

The new DAF trucks will be equipped with diesel engines, however the Dutch company’s top management revealed during the press conference that the BEV versions might follow in 2-3 years, while for the hydrogen ones we might have to wait a bit longer. Nevertheless, according to DAF, the New Generation XF, XG and XG+ are fully prepared for future energy carriers like batteries and hydrogen, and future powertrains including e-motors, plug-in hybrids, fuel cells and hydrogen combustion engines.

DAF relies on the New Generation XF, XG and XG+ trucks

The vehicle’s state-of-the-art diesel engines are «clean and efficient and ready for the latest generations of bio fuels (including Gas-to-Liquid and HVO) as well as for renewable e-fuels to further decarbonize road transport». In order to increase the vehicles’ efficiency, in fact, the whole powertrain has been optimized. In addition, to be fully aligned with the objectives of the new EU Masses & Dimensions regulations, the New Generation DAF trucks use lightweight, high strength steel is used for the cab structure and have best-in-class aerodynamics, with a flow-efficient exterior design, smart engine compartment flow management as well as extended service intervals.

The DAF XF, XG and XG+ are equipped with a TraXon automated gearbox as standard, featuring new technologies like automatic drive-off gear selection, enhanced predictive features and (optional) urge-to-move. For maximum driveline efficiency, rear axles with reduced oil levels and new pinion bearings are employed. A new generation of brake calipers results in less frictional losses and a lower weight.

DAF New Generation XF
DAF New Generation XG+ truck

Following the latest EU regulations on dimensions

The European Commission has introduced new masses and dimensions regulations with the objective to push the boundaries in terms of both emissions (CO2) reduction, road safety and driver comfort. DAF has relied on the new regulations to introduce a new generation of trucks featuring a highly attractive and very aerodynamic design.

The XF features a full new cab design with a 160 mm elongation at the front for industry-leading aerodynamics, highest energy efficiency and lowest CO2 emissions. The New Generation XF has a 75 mm lower cab datum compared to the highly acclaimed and still available XF Super Space Cab and Space Cab. In combination with a large windscreen and ultra-low belt line, this results in optimal direct vision, contributing to significantly higher safety.

DAF New Generation XF
DAF New Generation XF truck

The XG and XG+ feature no less than 330 mm extra length at the rear of the cab for unmatched space to work, live and sleep. The cab datum of the XG and XG+ is 125 mm higher than the New Generation XF. The semi-flat floor provides the optimal combination of an easy access with only 3 steps and a great seating position for direct vision. 


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